Italian Old Wings : conversion resin set for MC 202 to MC 205 Italeri kit 1/32

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 Milan, August 2024

Italian Old Wings, offers an interesting conversion set  N. 32001 of the AerMacchi MC 202 'Folgore' model by Italeri in 1/32 scale into MC 205 'Veltro'. As can be seen from the photos in the gallery, the set in question is very adaptable, for those who own it, also for the Macchi MC 202 kit from Pacific Coast Models, which incidentally, had already inserted some parts (nose, wing cannons, retractable landing gear compartment closure etc.) also valid for the conversion set, where deemed better.


The set is quite complete and finely sculpted in good resin.  I performed a brief test (fitting) and the parts match perfectly for both the Italeri and Pacific Coast kits. 

I inserted 'on the fly' a scale Daimler Benz DB 605 engine (Eduard Brassin) and this too is absolutely compatible and adequate.


The price of the set is absolutely in line and in any case very valid and therefore, I recommend it without reservations to those who want to anticipate the release of the specific kit (Veltro) by Italeri.

That's all for now. See you soon on the Forum to follow further developments step by step. Happy modeling everyone.