MWP : Guida operativa & tutorials



Welcome to the section entirely dedicated to the MWP (Metal Work Panels) metal cladding technique.

In this area, you will be able to follow the basics and the most advanced techniques to learn right away how to correctly upholster the model you are interested in both partially and entirely, not only that, but always be updated on any developments and news.

One or more videos will soon be available so that every modeler interested in this wonderful technique can learn in depth the rules to obtain a good result and first of all, a lot, a lot of experience and patience.

Given the interest shown by many in this technique, I thought I would extrapolate this particular topic from the site and dedicate its own section to it.

In fact, the area includes the insertion of other subpages (at the moment, one)  regarding the gallery of models created through the use of the MWP technique and soon, the support and integrative techniques, the kits of the models soon to be created through the use of this technique and much more regarding the topic.

You will also be able to participate in discussions or open new ones, ask specific questions or request support and advice on the MWP technique by easily registering on the Forum or simply leaving your message in the 'guest book' of the site.

Thanks for your interest and happy browsing.

How MWP technique works with alutape (aluminum self adhesive tape) watch the sample: Mirage III/c Italeri 1/32

MWP  basic technique :  only in italian language - step by step,  the entire procedure illustrated.

Metal Bare Foil & AluTape - how them work together

Supermarine Spitfire Mk V-b - Trumpeter kit 1:24 scale model (customized)
Supermarine Spitfire Mk V-b - Trumpeter kit 1:24 scale model (customized)

2016: l'anno della svolta:

mwp:  american "hustler"!!

Convair B-58 Hustler - Revell/Monogram kit 1:48 scale model based (full customized)
Convair B-58 Hustler - Revell/Monogram kit 1:48 scale model based (full customized)

MWP: practical applications (advanced modeling technique)

                                                                                                      Wear simulation & weathering effect

fiat g-50 bis "freccia"

Fiat G50 "Freccia" Special Hobby kit 1:32 scale model - "heavy weathering in MWP finiture"
Fiat G50 "Freccia" Special Hobby kit 1:32 scale model - "heavy weathering in MWP finiture"

MWP:  partial covering of the model or parts of it

advanced modeling technique:

G.W.H. kit 1:48 scale model : BOEING F-15 Ds "Improved Baz" n° 701 "The Burning Fox"


this project was one of the first carried out using the MWP (Metal Work Panels) coating technique in a partial way, that is, limited to the lower covering (and upper part) of the thrusters.

For this purpose, I partly used thin sheet metal for the open panels (internal and external) and for the ribs (see photo above).

For the side finishes, self-adhesive aluminum tape was used.

All cladding and paneling have been fully detailed to the original lines and riveting.

The engine has been updated with cables and parts found with other materials and various photo-engravings while the containment and closing crosspieces of the engine were self-built.

The model has been completely revised and corrected both in the external and internal parts,

More information and illustrations are available in the Forum section of the site.

Thanks for your attention and happy browsing.

mwp : evolution

MWP project "starfighter"

Lockheed/Canadair CF-104 "Starfighter" 1970 Cold Lake Alberta, 417 SQN. - Italeri kit 1:32 scale model based

MWP studio "red 8" (advanced modeling technique)

messerschmitt bf 109 G-6 Revell kit (full customized) 1:32 scale model

2018 mwp studio: b-29 killer "tojo"


Milano, ottobre 2018

Ecco un modello che si presta per essere ultimato con la tecnica MWP (Metal Work Panels).

Infatti, benchè abbia sempre sostenuto che la tecnica di rivestimento metallico (nastro di alluminio autoadesivo) dia il meglio di sè su scale superiori come la 1/24 o la 1/32, credo che anche in questa scala (1/48), ci si possa divertire a rivestire il proprio modello utilizzando la procedura di clonazione dei pannelli con la riscritturazione di tutte le informazioni contenute sulle parti originali e non solo, apportando laddove necessitasse, anche maggior dettaglio ( rivettature e punzonature) con ottimi risultati.

Il kit di Hasegawa si presenta semplice, pulito, essenziale ma completo.

La versione scelta ( ci sono due opzioni) è quella del 70th Flight Regiment Maj. Atsuyuki Sakado con all'attivo l'abbattimento di tre B-29 nel Giugno 1945.

E' stasta aperta una nuova discussione sul nostro forum con il link accanto puoi partecipare direttamente (iscrivendoti) alla nuova discussione.

Buona navigazione e buonissimo modellismo a tutti.



2019 Dassault Aviation Mirage IIIc Italeri kit 1/32

MWP Project: a photo, more than a hundred words!

2020 la maturità e la conferma ..............................

MWP project:  "lady lil"

north american b-25 mitchell - hk kit (full customized) 1:32 scale

I have been asked several times and by several interested people whether using the metal cladding technique was ultimately worth it both in terms of costs and time taken to complete the project.

My answer is always and only one:  absolutely yes and for nothing in the world I would trade it for the simple, albeit wonderful coloring in NMF, regardless of the very precious paints or pigments used. The effect of metal (the real one) is inimitable in its strengths and weaknesses. Often the models finished in NMF are so perfect (especially after robust washes) that they lose realism and credibility, even though they are excellent candidates for competitions.

This model was created through the use of the MWP (Metal Work Panels) procedure, that is, an accurate coating of metal film (self-adhesive aluminum tape with protective film) and cloning of the original panels, completely updated with all the information present (riveting , lines, counters, etc.). The treatment involves the application of pre-treated panels with brushing or sanding with '0000' steel wool to obtain correct opaqueness and at the same time eliminate any scratches or marks even unintentionally caused during processing. The model was then treated with a particular paste (polish) specifically suitable for metals and finally 'aged' through a very light wash carried out with a special color mix of resin and oil (Mussini). 

For the writer, this model represents a further important piece of the MWP procedure both for its considerable dimensions (64 x 54 cm) and for the intrinsic difficulty of bringing together numerous different techniques on a single subject, greatly increasing the overall difficulty of creation (and related cost).

On the other hand, as I have always maintained, having  familiarity and mastery with the MWP technique pays off in the end, the sacrifice, patience and disappointment of many projects not realized according to one's expectations.

I believe that having a nice dream in your chest and finally being able to make it come true is the most exciting and satisfying thing in the modeling hobby (and not only) and the great thing is that now, thanks to my guide and my examples, anyone interested can try their hand at their own models and make all your wishes come true. 

 Beyond the superlative creations of similar models that I have seen online on models with NMF (natural metal finish) livery, I can guarantee that a model made completely with metal coating is something completely different, both to see and to touch, it is something artistically and technically yours, a personal contribution that makes the project completely unique and exclusive due to the materials and techniques used.

Logically, the final decision to create a metal-clad model is a question of taste, personal expectation and the desire to push beyond the barriers of custom. 

To fans or those simply curious about the MWP technique, I only say one thing, everyone can create their own metal dream model just by following a few simple rules and as long as they arm themselves with a lot of patience and passion.

That's all, the rest comes only with the experience and manual skills that are acquired by making and redoing your model until you achieve a result that is first personally and then technically appreciable.
