Ci scusiamo con tutti gli ospiti del sito per eventuali disservizi o mancanze, cercheremo di migliorare per fornirvi un servizio di consultazione e navigazione migliore. Data la importante mole di dati, immagini. link ecc. stiamo lavorando per completare tutte le pagine e presentare il sito nella sua corretta impostazione ed organizzare la lettura e la consultazione senza intoppi. Tenete presente che al momento, per la traduzione dei testi in lingua inglese, ci stiamo avvalendo del servizio automatico per cui, ci scusiamo per gli errori di sintassi e grammaticali che potrete trovare. E' gradita eventuale segnalazione in merito. Grazie per l'attenzione e la pazienza. Stiamo lavorando per voi.
We apologize to all guests of the site for any inefficiencies or shortcomings, we will try to improve to provide you with a better consultation and navigation service. Given the important amount of data, images. links etc. we are working to complete all the pages and present the site in its correct layout and organize reading and consultation without problems. Please keep in mind that at the moment, for the translation of texts into English, we are using the automatic service for which we apologize for any syntax and grammatical errors that you may find. Any reporting on this matter is welcome. Thank you for your attention and patience. We are working for you.
First impressions and evaluations on a kit that has been waiting for a long time and is finally available on the shelves. In the apm forum, an interesting photo gallery with a small review and a personal opinion.
October 2024
The first session of metal covering work with alutape (aluminium tape) has begun and the fuselage has been completed. The work was more complex than expected and took three days to complete.
September 2024
Conclusion of the metal coating session (MWP) performed with alutape (self-adhesive aluminum tape) and the aging and wear process of the panels. See you soon the photo gallery on the apm forum.
September 2024
I completed the coating with AluTape (aluminum self-adhesive tape) of the bare metal parts of the 'Foxbat', a not difficult but demanding job given the difficult model of Kitty Hawk. The MWP technique was used for a precise and comprehensive execution of all the information present on the original panels. Soon a complete article on apm forum.
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